Order form

Order your press release in 1 minute

100% secure online payment

If you wish to pay by bank transfer, please send an e-mail to hola@notas-prensa.es and ask for the account number.

If you wish to pay by Paypal, choose the service below and then click ‘Buy now’.

Draft press release – 75 €
Buy now

Distribute press release – 79,95 €
Buy now

Review/proofread press release – 40 €
Buy now

Draft and submit press release – 169,95 €
Buy now

Review and distribute press release – 149,95 €
Buy now


Follow the steps below

1. Select the service desired.

2. Click on the ‘Buy now’ button.

3. You will be redirected to Paypal site.

4. Click ‘Next’ and log in to your PayPal account to make the payment.

boton paypal me roger garcia


5. ¡Don’t forget to fill in the form on the right or send an email to hola@notas-prensa containing the information for the press release!

Your name*



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Press Control or Command key to select multiple services

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Here you can submit a file, up to 2 MB

Your message

*Mandatory fields

Si quieres una nota de prensa eficaz, confía en un profesional.Contratar servicio